Classes Saturday 8AM-5PM
(770) 687-7940

Gap-Toothed Smiles in Kids are a Good Sign

Pediatric Dental Assistant School FruitWe love gap-toothed smiles!

I sometimes see kids come in and their parents are so proud of their beautiful smiles, with the teeth all lined up and touching. That may look nice now but when the permanent teeth come in they will be crowded, which can cause crooked smiles.

Adult permanent teeth are 1.5-2x larger than baby teeth. So as you can imagine, the more gaps in a little smile, the easier it will be to fit in all those larger teeth in all the right places.

Your kids need to see a pediatric dentist!

The gaps are something that you can see for yourself any time you look at your child.

However, there are some other features to a young smile that can create problems later on. These are more difficult for untrained individuals to spot. This is yet another reason why it is important to bring your young kids into their pediatric dentist. They can recognize potential problems early on and you can start planning for it.

So enjoy those delightful gap-toothed grins!

~Dr. Rhea Haugseth